Position wanted

Steve Kelley (kelley@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu)
Fri, 28 Jan 94 13:22:21 GMT

Please reply directly to the originator of this message -- Steve.

Seeking position in Flow Cytometry. Six years in current
position. Twelve years total experience with BD and Coulter
instrumentation. experience with original establishment and management
of multiple instrument facilities. Have configured instruments for
a wide variety of acquisition and sorting requirements. Specializing
in 3 and 4 color acquisition, sorting, cloning and analysis of
1-300 micron events.

Responses may be addressed to:
Donald E. Walker
c/o Baxter Healthcare
5 Revere Dr. Suite 300
Northbrook, IL. 60073

Fax - (414) 248-0634
Tel - (708) 480-5600