RE: Normal Tetraploidy?

Bob Ashcroft (
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 21:33:11 +1000

Dear Dennis,
The word karyotype is all very well, but how simple is it to do by flow, in a lab that rarely does it?
What do you recommend where you have just a 488 light source, for doing karyotyping?
This is not stirring, but a serious question.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis J. Young []
Sent: Friday, August 08, 1997 7:41 PM
To: Cytometry Mailing List
Subject: Re: Normal Tetraploidy?

One word:
Flow jocks often need to be reminded to use a _microscope_.
Seriously, other mouse cells have been shown to produce tetraploid
Nocodozole, for one, will even generate octoploidy. Read Cross, Sanchez,
et al, Science Vol 267, 3 Mar, 1995, pp1353-1356 (Flow AND microscopy!)
I don't have the reference of the observation that Canine and human cells
DON'T show this type of aneuploidy effect.

At 03:31 PM 8/7/97 -0400, you wrote:
> I have an investigator who is analyzing murine embryonic fibroblasts
>(MEF) for cell cycle perturbations based on retrovirally infected cell cycle
>inhibitory proteins. We have regularly observed what appears to be a true
>tetraplod population, ie., exhibiting singlet cell properties based on pulse
>processing (FACScan FL-2A vs. FL-2W), PI nucelear isolation prep. We see
>this in both normal control and experimental preps.
> Is a tetraploid condition a known feature of MEF biology? These are
>isolated from fetuses and placed directly into primary culture. We have
>seen it often enough that I want to believe it, but it is controversial.
>Thanks for the input....regards, Dave G.
>Dave Gebhard
>Director FACS/ Oligonucelotide Synthesis Facilities
>Albert Einstein College of Medicine
>1300 Morris Park Avenue
>Bronx, New York 10461
>718-430-2724/ 3573


* Dennis J. Young Voice : (619) 822-0407 *
* Flow Cytometry Core Facility FAX : (619) 822-0412 *
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