PC12 clumping

Michael J. Herron (herro001@maroon.tc.umn.edu)
Tue, 23 Sep 1997 14:29:00 -0500

I am tring to do some flow with PC12 cells. They form loose clusters
that look like they should be easy to break up...but I have had no luck
so far.

Has anyone had experience with these cells? Can anyone tell me the
adhesion ligands involved in this clumping?



________________________________________________________ / Michael J. Herron, U of MN, Dept. of Dermatology / / herro001@maroon.tc.umn.edu / / 612-625-8935 Box 98 UMHC, Mpls MN 55455 / / http://RASH.med.umn.edu/ / /_______________________________________________________/