Question about Log amplification
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 15:39:36 +0300

Dear group,

I just found an excellent diagram illustrating log/linear
conversion on the URL

IMHO, the diagram (logscale.gif) is much more persuasive and easier to
understand than many pages of plain text I have read before on the
same topic (actually, not so many).

I spent some time with a ruler and a calculator and came to conclusion
this diagram also helps to understand how log amplifiers transform data.

For example, when a log amplifier receives an "X" mV pulse from a
preamplifier, it then
produces the new pulse ("Y"), which may be calculated according to the

Y= lgX x 256 x 9.8 mV
Y= lgX x 64 x 39 mV
Y= 2.5 lgX.

For example, if there is a 300 mV pulse in, then there's a 6193 mV
out (2.5 x lg300 = 6193); if 30 mV in, then 3692 mV out; 3 mV in/1192
mV out and so on.

Could anybody tell me whether my calculations are correct?
I'd be very pleased to hear your opinion, because I had to mobilize all
my residual memories about school arythmetics doing the calculation.

Does anybody have some other *.gif files illustrating how pulses are
processed in
the electronics? Maybe, someone have a diagram like this?

Preamplifier ------> Log amplifier -------> ADC
analog signal, analog signal, digital scale,
mV mV channels

And, finally, could anybody explain me what the following paragraph

"This assumes that the log amplification is perfect (i.e., each of the
four decades is accurate) which we know is likely a fiction. The first
and last decades can be very inaccurate"?

Thanking you in advance,

Vadim Chromiak