Re: Bacteria and Flow

Hector Nolla (
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 09:43:34 -1000 (HST)

Dan, We have a PROFILEII with the power pack upgrade and it allows us to
set multiple parameter threshold settings. In the test editor(or while
running a sample) go to "set discriminators" , there you can select the
discriminator channels for all your parameters. Set the FALS and 90LS
channels to 1023, that should clean up your graphical displays of non
Fluorescent events. You may have to play with FL settings and PMT HV to
distinguish your bacteria specific fluorescence. If you are enumerating
bacteria, remember to keep your Count Rates as low as possible, they will
affect your counting efficency(500 events per second or less).
Hope this helps. Good Luck.

Hector A. Nolla (808)956-5029
Flow Cytometry Facility FAX (808)956-9516
Department of Oceanography
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Dan Smith wrote:

> I may have asked a similar question before and, if so, I apologize.
> Has anyone out there looked at bacteria on a Profile II? I am using one of
> these Live/Dead kits and under the fluorescent microscope the cells
> fluoresce nicely. Where the problem appears is differentiating between
> signal and noise on the flow cytometer as the Profile only triggers off of
> forward scatter signals.
> Clues of any size or shape will be appreciated!!
> Thanks,
> Dan Smith