Macintosh Tutorials

G. Osborne, John Curtin School for Medical Research, Canberra, Australia

Set 1: Compensation Tutorial # 1 (2:MAC:COMP1SEA.HQX)

Discusses the intricacies of properly setting the compensation formultiple-color analyses on flow cytometers.

Set 2: Compensation Tutorial # 2 (2:MAC:COMP2SEA.HQX)

Discusses the intricacies of properly setting the compensation formultiple-color analyses on flow cytometers.

Set 3: Statistics Tutorial (2:MAC:STATSSEA.HQX)

Discusses statistics used in flow cytometry.

Set 4: Shutdown Protocol Tutorial (2:MAC:SHUTPROT.HQX)

Discusses statistics used in flow cytometry.

Set 5: CellQuest Tutorial (2:MAC:CQ_SEA.HQX)

A demonstration of the CellQuest for the Macintosh software.