Purdue Cytometry CD-ROM Volume 3
Volume 3 was closed out in July, 1997 and was distributed initially at Clinical Cytometry Society meeting August 20-22, 1997, and at the Joint Japanese Cytometry Society - ISAC meeting Oct 1997, GLIIFCA 97, and the technical Developments in Flow & Image Cytometry in Asilomar, Oct 1997. If any CD-ROMs remain, they will also be distributed at ASH and Cell Biology 1997.

Click here to see the table of contents page from Volume 3 Normally you can click on any line and see what each section contains.

To obtain a copy, send a check for US$20 (USA residents) or US$30 (Foreign addresses) to cover shipping and handling [checks made out to "CD-ROM Project"]:
For more information contact:
CD ROM Project
Cytometry Laboratories
1515 Hansen Hall, B50
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515