EFCS Discussion Forum

A.Orfao Feb.2, 1997

Dear colleagues:

The Executive Board of the Iberian Society of Cytometry (SIC) met the last 18th of January in Madrid. The agenda of the Meeting included discussion regarding the creation of a European Federation of National Cytometry Societies.

A unanimous position existed regarding this which is summarized below. However, before enumerating the most important points of agreement between the members of the SIC executive board it should be noted that a decision on the possible relationship of the Society with the European Federation of National Cytometry Societies only can be decided in a definitive way once it has been voted in a General Assembly (which will take place during the next Congress of the SIC the first week of June. Once this is clarified, the position of the Executive Board is by unanimous agreement as follows:

- The creation of an European Federation of National Cytometry Societies is well-viewed and stimulated by the Society.

- We congratulate and thank Gunter Valet for the way he has organized the discussions which have been found interesting and stimulating.

- The discussion on the creation of the Federation is a matter which should not come together with the items related to the European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology (ESACP)since these are two completely different issues which have to be clearly separated.

- Although many interesting personal opinions have appeared at the present point, an Official position and action has to be taken by the National Societies by establishing official contacts between them. In this sense the ESACP could be seen as another society that could participate in the general discussion. In this sense the Iberian Society of Cytometry will delegate in, one or more of its members as representatives for these discussions.

- Once the official contacts between the National Societies have been established, an agenda is needed in which both the times and items for discussion are included.

I hope these comments are of help for the discussion.

Best regards for all of you.

Alberto Orfao