TSRI Sort Recovery Page


Version 1.5 This page requires Netscape 2.0 or later - contains JavaScript
Modified for both normal BDIS 1/4 drop clock cycle and the modified TurboSort ® 1/10 drop clock cycle
Input ParametersOutput Parameters
Sorter:Normal TurboSort ® Deadtime Loss %
Mode:Normal Count Throughput hr
Sort Envelope: drops Add clock cyclesSort Left
Flow Rate:
events/sec Rate /hr /sec
Drop Drive (ddf): Hz Yield hrmin %
Cutoff max loss: % of sort left subset Max rate: / sec drops/event
Dead Time: uSec Sort Right
Sort fractionsLeft: %Right: % Rate / hr /sec
Desired YieldLeft:Right: Yieldhrmin %

These calculations apply to standard sorting where the instrument is set to trigger on light scatter. These calculations assume ideal conditions. In practice, there are internal constraints within some sort circuits that will cause additional aborts that may or may not be counted by the electronics. For High Speed Enrichment, everything changes based on signal/noise and other sample characteristics. Your milage may vary... always check your instruments efficiency...
Last modified
Comments & Questions: trotter@scripps.edu