Apoptosis Question

Bill Justice (billj@sound.net)
Sun, 11 Feb 1996 16:47:53 -0600 (CST)

I posted a message requesting a nice easy, standardized protocol for
processing cultured cells for apoptosis analysis a few days ago.

I believe a number of people tried to send me replies to my email address
but for some reason none of the bodies of those message ever made it to me.

Could those people or anyone else please try to send me those replies again?

\|||||/ |
| ^ ^ | |
| @ - | | Bill Justice
( ) | Shawnee, Kansas
--oOOO--(_)--OOOo-- | BillJ@Sound.Net
" Just when I figure things | McTull@AOL.COM
out, they don't change the |
rules, they cancel the game "|