
Ray Hicks (
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 14:27:18 +0000 (GMT)

Thank you to all who replied to my query on mozilla, which I now know is the
default login ID for Netscape.
The main motive for my original posting was to get in touch with (what I
thought was) a persistant and unsuccessful potential user of my site so
that I could provide an alternative source for my mac-based FCS file
utility (FCS Assistant). If you've tried but failed to download it from, you can ftp it from where it
resides in /pub/flowcyt/fcs-assistant or you can get it via the web from
Eric Martz's software catalogue:

David Chambers has recently made it available via ftp on in the directory /pub/mac, although I haven't had a
chance to download it and check it yet because of transatlantic traffic.
