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Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 11:44:46 -0400
To: cyto-inbox
Subject: Absolute CD4 counts in HIV
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The best overall ref. would be the 1994 MMWR Guildlines March 4/ vol.43/No.RR-3
by the CDC. Also I believe this to be available on the NET ; http://
Stephen P. Perfetto
Department of HIV Disease Prevention
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
1600 East Gude Drive
Rockville, MD. 20850
Subject: Absolute CD4 counts in HIV
From: monard@adarc.nyu.edu at Internet_Gateway
Date: 2/23/96 11:44 AM
Can anyone point me in the direction of some references concerned with
absolute CD4 counts in HIV infected individuals. Is there a standardized
proceedure approved by NIH?
Thanks for any help
Simon Monard
Aaron Diamond Center
New York
Tel (212) 340 3763