Re: Data transfer HP-IBM

Neal Benson (
Mon, 26 Feb 96 09:58:22 est

IEEE488 (also known as HPIB) transfers to PC's can be as fast or faster than
LAN connections, depending on LAN traffic (my experience with the HPIB
connection is using the WHPPC package from Verity). However, there are the
following tradeoff's:
1. HPIB connections are subject to a maximum distance limitation of around 8
meters. LAN's can transmit a few hundred meters or more, depending on the
infrastructure (wiring type, hubs, repeaters, routers, etc.).
2. HPIB connections are essentially a one-to-one transfer. At our site, we
use one-to-many (instrument to other instrument/analysis PC/file server)
transfers that can only be served conveniently through a LAN.

Just some things to keep in mind.

Neal Benson

Volker Eckstein < wrote:

>Dear colleagues
>are you performing analytical cell research by flow cytometry? Particularly, if
>the equipment is still based on Becton Dickinson systems using HP
computers, the
>following fact might be of valuable interest for you: Our lab has developed the
>FAST488 kit to provide efficient data transfer between HP and IBM computers. It
>includes a special HPIB card which is mounted to IBM-PC, software for
>bidirectional (!) file transfer, and a set of utilities to enhance the HP
>printer capabilities. It offers best transfer performance:
>100 KByte files will be sent in 2-3 seconds! With FAST488 you can work with
>IBM-PC to achive data file backup and analysis by standard software. The
>kit is very simple to install and much more beneficial than any cost intensive
>LAN connection.
>For detailed information please contact:
>Dr. Juergen Treumer
>An der Eiche 21
>D-24991 Freienwill
>Phone: +49 - 461 - 180542
>Fax: +49 - 461 - 180557
Neal A. Benson, Technical Director
Flow Cytometry Core Lab, Biotechnology Program
Box 100275, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610-0275 USA
Tel: (352)392-0008 FAX: (352)392-4693