Red Fluorescence Problems on the Elite

Mr. Douglas Smoot (
Mon, 21 Oct 96 09:36:34 EDT

Well, this may be a simple question, but one of our investigators was
visiting a lab and heard about problems in the red-fluorescence detection on
the Elite. I have not upgraded my machine with the new optics for greater
sensitivity, and since I don't do much APC or far red work, I did not
consider it a high priority. Are there other problems besides sensitivity
that I need to be concerned about?

Earlier, I posted a question about Windows 95 and the Elite software. We
have decided to buy a new 133MHz pentium with Dos 6.22 and Windows 3.11. So
far, I have been unable to get the Elite software to work under Windows 3.11
for anything other than analysis. However, I did get the Elite software to
work under Windows 95 for everything but acquisition. (Well, there was no
card, and the software locked up the computer under acquisition, but I could
do multigraph and listmode data.)

Doug Smoot
Douglas Smoot
Immune Cell Biology Program
Naval Medical Research Institute, Code O612
Bethesda, MD 20889-5607
voice (301) 295-6272 fax: (301) 295-0376

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