NONE by thread
Starting: Tue 24 Sep 1996 - 00:00:-46298 EST
Ending: Thu 14 Nov 1996 - 00:00:-82890 EST
Messages: 400
- Last email message on CD-ROM VOL 2
- ATP Alice L. Givan
- equipment for sale Julie Auger
- Rimini96 Internet Tutorial on the Web
- Re: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Howard Shapiro
- Cell Cycle Software Terry Hoy
- Re[4]: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Tissue Cross Match on Coulter XL Robert Pyle
- Murine Histocompatability Antigens Chris Schmidt
- Auto Analyzers Mariam
- Increasing cytoplasmic fluorescence - final Walter Sharp
- Re[2]: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm
- Re: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Douglas B. Kell
- Coulter Profile II Service
- murine H2 Pizzo,Eugene
- anti human IL-8 monoclonals Padma Kumar Narayanan
- Murine Histocompatability Antigens
- glutaraldehyde fixation Jan Keij
- Cellquest to PC Pizzo,Eugene
- Staining of Bacteria Martin Poot
- CMV-specific surface antigens Gregor Rothe
- mouse stem cells Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Expression of Annexin on Activated platelets colette charland
- BSA vs FCS Janet K. Currie
- RE:Modfit S/W austin
- FL4
- Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm FL4 ? Matthias Haury
- Sca-1 Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Re: Increasing Cytoplasmic fluorescence Hector Nolla
- Tunel in skeletal muscle
- Tricolor + PI Compensation on FACStar Plus ? Matthias Haury
- Comments to the clinical cytometry questions ctnebe
- FACSing Bacteria Scott D. Simpson
- Increasing cytoplasmic fluorescence 2 Walter Sharp
- Human NK cell lines Martinez, Joseph
- FCS Assistant 1.3.1 bug warning Ray Hicks
- flow cytometry reports Michael Kornstein
- 'Calibur vs. XL: Survey results Marc Langweiler
- Feotal Heamoglobin Andy
- antibody titration analysis Tom Mchugh
- c-myc low B cell line Maurice R.G. O'Gorman
- Re[2]: PMN Markers ( and that pesky CCC article) Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Re: cytoplasmic CD3 or cytoplasmic CD22 Elizabeth Paietta
- TUNEL - double staining Graham Atherton
- Increasing Cytoplasmic fluorescence Walter Sharp
- high speed sorting of cells lines knappt
- WWW - change of address Hazel Davey
- cytoplasmic CD3 or cytoplasmic CD22 Tim
- Fixation of calcein stained cells Edgar Rivedal
- Wanted:experienced flow cytometry person Sanden, Gary
- RE: PMN Markers Al Sabirsh
- CD79a Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Fwd: Platelet studies with flow cytometry
- Networking Solutions Keith Bahjat
- HPQ2 or Bruce Bagwell or Mark Munson - where are they now? Al Sabirsh
- RE: PMN Markers Keith Bahjat
- Re[2]: that pesky CCC article Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Re: PMN Markers
- Statistical analysis of flow-data Joern Schmitz
- A new flow site Douglas B. Kell
- FITC-PNA Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- FISH - what's the best way? Al Sabirsh
- Re: PMN Markers Howard Shapiro
- Flow cytometry books: thanks! Al Sabirsh
- Coulter Profile II Service
- Rare Cell Sorting References Leary, James
- Signal to Noise Keith Bahjat
- NJ Carpool to User Group Meeting Thomas Delohery
- Rare Event Sorting knappt
- Re: PMN Markers
- Fluorescein-labeled Peanut Agglutinin(PNA)
- Flow Books Larry Arnold
- Biochemistry Walter Sharp
- Phagocytosis: FITC quenching and fixation of samples Natalio Garcia
- Cytometry Books Howard Shapiro
- MoFlo FCS files and WinMDI Bruce Milthorpe
- Platforms Alberto Cambrosio
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry User Group Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- ISAC conference on molecular pathology
- autofluorescence of rainbow trout cells Rosemarie Catherine Ganassin
- reliaibility p2170227@vmsuser.acsu.unsw.EDU.AU
- Sort Recovery/Yield Jim Houston
- 'Calibur vs. XL: Survey Marc Langweiler
- stain all cell/bacteria Georgia M. Farris
- sorting of chromosomes Andreas Simm
- More monkey business
- books on flow Martin, Jill V.
- FACSCalibur parameter settings for analysis of baacteria Dyane N Sonier
- CD4 APC antibodies
- Paraformaldehyde effects on RNA for PCR Kristi R. Harkins
- re: that pesky CCC article Tom Mc Closkey
- re: endothelial cell ROI Tom Mc Closkey
- flow books Martin, Jill V.
- RE: TUNEL Kits T. Vincent Shankey
- Specific marker for PMN? Andreas Schrer
- RE: TUNEL Kits C. Kevin Becker
- Splenectomy Walter Sharp
- Books about flow cytometry Dianne Budd
- Help: info on user groups Alberto Cambrosio
- SUMMARY of "CD4:CD8 Ratio" Responses
- Re: Books, Web Info, CD-ROM II
- ISAC 1997 Sam Latt Conference Dave Coder
- Annexin V and DNA Fragmentation Aki Hoji
- CD41 and EDTA Walter Sharp
- Serotec & heat stability Walter Sharp
- RE: Books about flow cytometry: suggestions?
- RE: Books about flow cytometry: suggestions? Woods-Cook Kathie MSM PH223 CH
- Three-Color Analysis of DNA
- Follow up on Sorting Vincent Falco
- High vs low SPF in breast carcinomas Flow Cytometry
- Apoptosis, PS exposure, Annexin V c.reutelingsperger
- that pesky ccc article... MARK
- re: Principle of detecting apoptosis with Annexin V T. Vincent Shankey
- Books about flow cytometry: suggestions? Al Sabirsh
- Tunel v.s. annexin V bert.schutte
- BD DNA QC Particle Kits Robert Pyle
- Annexin V and DNA fragmentation
- Spectrum Laser Mark Gauci
- RE: Principle of detecting apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- RE: TUNEL Kits Rakesh Nagarajan
- Re: elite detector Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Calibur vs. XL Robert Pyle
- Calibur vs. XL Bert.Schutte@MOLCELB.UNIMAAS.NL
- Stewart Conner gap@MIT.EDU
- Flow Cytometry: Microbiology Applications Seminar Harry J. Kazmierczak
- CAC, CCS, CCC Linda Tedlock
- burkitt or non-burkitt ctnebe
- cell preparation/core facilities -Reply Susan Demaggio
- Re: Sorting Difficulties Hector Nolla
- CCC Meeting Summary F. Joseph Chrest
- Principle of detecting apoptosis with Annexin V Yashpal Agrawal
- Red Fluorescence Problems on the Elite Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Tunel/Annexin/MoAb Ugo Consoli
- dried plant material Wolfgang Wlach
- Oxidative burst in HUVEC cells
- Tunnel vs Annexin V labelling Aki Hoji
- portable computers Jim Houston
- TUNEL vs Annexin V Piet van Erp
- pulse plot Nicholas Terry
- Re[2]: Heat stability
- Interesting clinical case Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Sorting Difficulties Vincent Falco
- proportionality Thomas Delohery
- Re: cell preparation/core facilities Larry Seamer
- UV activated GFP Wayne Green
- Re: Tunnel Assay Wayne Green
- cell preparation/core facilities Christine OConnell
- Hoechst toxicity Haring Rene
- RE>Calculating CD4:CD8 ratios Henk Niphuis
- Heat stability Walter Sharp
- indo beads Alice L. Givan
- pulse plot Larry Seamer
- Re: Technical Writer Perran McDaniel
- Calculating CD4:CD8 ratios
- Re[2]: saturation binding & fluorescence intensity James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- Re: Positions Available Perran McDaniel
- Tunnel Assay Jim Houston
- saturation binding & fluorescence intensity Mario Roederer
- FACSCount
- To flow-ers in Western PA and environs Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- fodder Thomas Delohery
- anti-Fas hybridomas Meenakshi Roy
- Intracellular pH and BCECF colette charland
- hematopoietic cell sizing by flow Scott R Burger
- Moab to CD40L Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- CY5 Deborah Berglund
- bacteria and flow knappt
- FOLKS Adrian Moris
- antibody to CD40L Meenakshi Roy
- Pico green Schultz, Roger
- Heat stability Walter Sharp
- database Alice L. Givan
- heat stability Martin, Jill V.
- Hoechst; Viable sorting - cell cycle..question? Faust, J. S.
- Problems reading Profile files Iona O'Brien
- Re: Profile to FCS listmode data Conversion Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Progenitor Cells in NonHuman Primates Ross Longley
- need EPICS V subtraction modules
- RE: Calcium data analysis Dan Smith
- Calcium data analysis Dawson, Carolyn
- Tuesday the 8th -Reply William Wansley
- Position Opening Davin Jutila
- Moab to CD40L Hughes, EJ, Jane, Ms
- Pollens Robert Nordon
- dead cells pre-fixation Meenakshi Roy
- DNA shareware?? Keith Kelley
- Re:Profile to FCS listmode data Conversion Terry Godley
- Tuesday the 8th Robert Karaffa
- Progenitor Cells in NonHuman Primates (no name)
- apoptosis and surface staining barbara ann butcher
- RE>Dead cells pre-fixation Henk Niphuis
- spores by flow Paul Zimmer
- Post doc / fellow position availlable Ulrich Sack
- RE: Dead cells pre-fixation Mara Rocchi
- RE: 0.5 micron beads Maurizio Mezzetti
- Re: JBL Scientific Calin Tatu
- Dead cells pre-fixation Snider Denis
- 0.5 micron beads Don Walker
- Summary: PC/MAC Acquisition Software
- RE: Converting Profile listmode files to FCS format Dan Smith
- ATTO-Phos and JBL Scientific Gurnsey, Michael
- Posting to your Message board Richard Spencer
- Help an Australian colleague? Nicholas Terry
- blast analysis? Meenakshi Roy
- PC & Windows based Data Acquisition Terry Godley
- anti-p21-biotin Jan Keij
- air cooled lasers Cheryl Cote
- Reference range of CD4/8 ratio Bakul I. Dalal, MD FRCPC
- Questions Adrian Moris
- Fileguard Software Abby Allen
- RE: ACDU problems on the HP
- RE. Flow Course ctnebe
- Converting Profile listmode files to FCS format Bakul I. Dalal, MD FRCPC
- Cytotoxicity kit Martin Poot
- ACDU problems on the HP
- DNP Paul Sopp
- Cell cycle analysis Terry Hoy
- F.Y.I. Henk Niphuis
- Temporary interruption
- Re: BrDU-proliferation assay question
- UPDATE on Coulter EPICS 753 offer Kevin G Waddick
- RE: Sorting of cell organelles
- Musical quiz (re:yet another musical reference) Donald E. Mosier
- Yet another musical reference David Galbraith
- RE: Jethro Tull/Pink McNally, Jeremy M.D.
- PC-based FACS Acquisition
- RE: Sorting of cell organelles
- Molecular Probes Cytotox-Kit Question Andreas Schroeder
- Jethro Tull/Pink
- PI Staining of Yeast AND Decreased Signal
- Yet another musical reference Adrian Moris
- Sorting of cell organelles Larry Arnold
- CD34+ selecting and culture -forwarded from L Anderson D. Robert Sutherland
- Trypsin treatment of HLA class I Andy
- Mean channel fluorescence Vincent Falco
- FACStar Plus Nancy Higgins
- Mathematica as Data Analyzer Aki Hoji
- Difficult PI staining of yeast Miller, Mark A.
- BrdU ronald hill
- HP TagSale Pizzo,Eugene
- Cost for use of core facility Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Current procedures for staining HIV-infected PBLs P. Echeagaray
- Tracking DNA/RNA trafficking Martin Poot
- NK recognition Vladimir Kuznetsov
- RE: Reference David Galbraith
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry Users Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- IL-4 receptor
- Re[2]: PE/Cy5 on a FACS Calibur
- Re: Phenol red fluoresecence Ken McCullough
- Position available Eileen Utterson
- Re: your mail Larry Seamer
- Thin Ice Michael Binks
- RE: Reference Wood,Brent
- 3 and 4 color compensation on 750 durack gary
- MIP-1 alpha
- RE: Reference (fwd) Kevin G Waddick
- Nematode Cytometry - please help! Susan Jane Hogarth
- BrdU-Proliferation assay question Andreas Schroeder
- stroma Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Coulter EPICS 753 Kevin G Waddick
- Wanted:FACStar Plus Vincent Falco
- Three color on a 753 Steve G. Hilliard
- Cellquest to PC gene pizzo
- Reply to TO-PRO-3 Martin Poot
- Reply to TO-PRO-3
- EPICS-C parts wanted Edgar L. Milford
- Re: Phenol red fluoresecence Steven Z. Merlin
- CD97 Joern Schmitz
- Any FACScan's for sale?
- Anti-inflammatories Dan Smith
- ca++ flux calibration
- Alternative colors for FACScalibur Mario Roederer
- 3rd colour out of 4 Derek Davies
- cell cycle question
- Phenol red fluoresecence? Robin Barclay
- Re: Response to Low level CD4/8 Counting in patients with Chronic Jim Houston
- fluorescent tags for DNA ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- CD34+ selecting and culture Kalman Miklos
- Anti-Rat Complement Abs? James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- equipment for sale Christine OConnell
- summary:batch analysis of data files "facs1::isdellf"
- PE/Cy5 on a FACS Calibur Calman Prussin
- Re: Fluorescent tags for free DNA N.W. BLACKHALL
- Re: SCID mice Rochelle A. Diamond
- TO-Pro 3 Charles Kuszynski
- PI and yeast Bruce Milthorpe
Last message date: Thu 14 Nov 1996 - 00:00:-82890 EST
Archived on: Thu Nov 14 1996 - 11:04:12 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web