Re: Ar laser failure

Eric Miller (
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 08:55:22 +0000 (GMT)

I've similar problems with the laser on my '89 Facscan. It had a laser
tube replaced about two years ago, and at the time the engineer commented
that he thought the problem could lie in the laser power supply. This
could be bad news, apparently the power supply costs as much to replace as
the laser itself. The machine is still going: we watch with interest to
see what happens.

Eric P Miller
Edinburgh Medical Oncology Unit

"If the universe is expanding, why can't I find a parking space?"

On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Joseph Webster wrote:

> At 03:39 PM 13/02/97 -0800, Karel Drbal wrote:
> >I ask you whether anyone have recorded a strange laser failure (Ar-15mW,
> >air-cooled) in the BD instrument (FACSort). It happens almost everyday during
> >data acquisition. The laser power and current drops to zero and after
> approx. 1
> >minute come back to the normal value. Normal values for laser power and
> current
> >were OK. Nothing I have tested helps.

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