Re: reference managment software?

Lt Col Bill Ward, Wilford Hall Med Cen/PSLCI, (ward@WHMC-LAFB.AF.MIL)
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 09:08:38 -0500

Steve -

>From: "Steve G. Hilliard" <>
>To: Cytometry Mailing List <>
>Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 13:11:24 +0000
>Subject: reference managment software?
>Priority: normal
>X-mailer: Pegasus Mail/Windows (v1.22)
>Hopefully not too far off the mark, but I'm sure most of us must
>serve as cytometry information resources for our users. Does anyone
>have any direct experience with any of the bibliographic packages
>available (Endnote, Papyrus, Reference Manager, etc)?

I have used the Windows version of Reference Manager since Feb '94 and have
been quite happy with it in general

>I'm looking
>for a Windows package to manage my literature references, allowing me
>to assemble reference lists pertaining to particular cell types,
>applications etc.

You can either set up separate thematic databases (I have separate databases
for HIV, Flow Cytometry Applications, Transplant Immunology and Molecular
Pathology, for example), and/or use keywords to organize and retrieve reference

>Obviously I'd like for it to cooperate with my
>word processor (MS Word), but I also need the ability to import
>straight text files (after scanning and OCR) and to import from
>online databases and CD-ROM services. Anyone have any opinions to

RM can create reference lists in many bibliographic styles compatible with
several major word processing programs including MS Word (I use WordPerfect).
If you buy the optional
"Capture" module, you can easily import references from numerous services,
including CD-ROM based systems (we use CD-PLUS Medline here, for instance).
Inputting from other sources (e.g., straight ASCII text files) is somewhat
complicated. The only option at the moment that I am aware of is to format an
ASCII text file in the native RM format; then it can be imported.

I do have a couple of gripes/unmet needs. First, this is one of the most
expensive reference management programs available, and it irks me that you have
to pay an additional $195 to obtain the (essential) functionality of the
"Capture" module in order to be able to import references. Second, the version
that I have (WinRM6) provides a number of fields that can be used for whatever
you wish, however it does not have the ability to import data into the custom
fields directly. In addition, abstracts wind up not under the heading
"abstract", but under "notes". The workaround is to cut and paste.

Nonetheless, I still like the program. I have been told by the RIS customer
service folks that no upgrades are imminent, but that they are working on fixes
that address many of my reservations. On a final note,at the time I bought
this program there were no other Windows-based systems available, so I haven't
done any comparisons with those that are available now.

Best wishes - Bill Ward

William W. Ward, Ph.D. Phone: (210) 670-6838
Immunology & Molecular Diagnostics FAX: (210) 670-7484
Department of Pathology email:
Wilford Hall Medical Center/PSLCI
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5300

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