This is a very useful & timely warning for people like me with
mechanical/engineering background rather than lab/biology trained.
I've always been led to believe that 70% ETOH will knock off anything
of interest in this context.
Anyone else (microbiology types?) like to comment?
> As for swabbing down external surfaces with 70% ETOH, I would
> regard this as an excellent strategy for mobilizing bacterial aerosol.
Could you please expand on this Arnold?
Maybe we're not talking the same language; To me, "swabbing down"
means "take some material (paper towel, tissue etc), douse it with
some solvent (70% ETOH) and wipe the area or object to be cleaned
with the solvent-wet material."
This to me specifically excludes splashing or spraying, and I'm
not able to equate this activity with creating or mobilising
any aerosol.
>On the few occasions when I have had to carry out sterile sorting, my
>strategy is as follows:
> Clean sort nozzle/flow cell /sheath tank with a proprietary detergent and
>rinse in sterile H2O.
> Wash the sort collection area down with a proprietary detergent
> Bypass the in-line sheath filter, Then flush system with following:
> 1)H2O
> 2)Surface active agent e.g. 0.1% DECON 90
> 3)Sterile H20
> 4)Sterile sheath fluid
> 5)Fit new sterile in-line sheath filter.
Maybe I'm missing something (as I often do!) but you have not
included anything that I recognise as a sterilising agent.
Which of these steps is intended to kill pre-existing bugs?
Many thanks for your tolerance of my ignorance, this old dog
would like to learn some new tricks.
Regards, Joseph.
-- Joseph Webster Flow Cytometry Facility Centenary Institute
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;