Re: Why WinList?

Wed, 19 Mar 1997 08:31:22 +0000

In reply to your question:

I have no experience CellQuest. But I do have experience with ELITE
software and WinList. My experience with the ELITE software is with the
standard DOS version. With the caveat that 3rd party ELITE
for Windows software exists. And, I understand, Coulter is readying their
own version of the software for Windows 3.1 or '95, I will share my views.

In general there are 3 major reasons to choose WinList over Elite
software (DOS version). First is versatility. WinList allows the user
to create any number of 1,2, or 3 parameter displays of any size anywhere
on the screen. They can be shaded, line-drawings, big dots, little
dots, etc. WinList allows complex gating logic and complex calculated
parameters. The user can change the names of the parameters, the channel
resolution of the histograms, can create color eventing on single
parameter histograms as well as dot-plots. The second major reason is
that Winlist runs under Windows (either 3.1 or '95). This allows the user
to cut and paste with other Windows programs to create presentation
graphics and link calculations with spreadsheets such as Excel. And
third, WinList will analyze data from virtually any instrument. So those
of us that have both BD and Coulter cytometers can use one analysis
package for both.

Larry Seamer
Technical Director, Flow Cytometry Core
University of New Mexico, CRTC

On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Abby Allen wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> My boss just returned from a cytometry meeting where she was
> sufficiently impressed with Verity Software's WinList software.
> Currently, I am using Cellquest and Elite software. What is it about
> WinList that would impress my boss over Cellquest and the Elite
> software. What special features does it have and do I need it?
> Once again, I appreciate your insight, information, etc.
> Thankyou!
> Abby
> --
> **********************************************************************
> Abby Allen
> Center for Blood Research
> 800 Huntington Ave.
> Boston, MA 02115
> **********************************************************************