I also find prof. Robinson's idea very useful, as I have the same kind of
problems (low and unreliable transfer rate).
And another problem: can someone help me to find some protocols for sterile
sorting (we have a FACSort machine), as I would like to compare them with
the one we currently use. I am interested in sorting peripheral blood CD8+
lymphs for subsequent culturing (96 wells plates).
Thank you.
dr. Eugen Radu
Research Assistant
Faculty of Medicine Craiova
-----Original Message-----
From: J. Paul Robinson [SMTP:PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 1997 12:07 PM
To: Cytometry Mailing List
Subject: Re: FTP "reget" option
Would anyone else find this service useful?
Paul Robinson
J.Paul Robinson, Purdue University Cytometry Labs
Professor of Immunopharmacology
robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu PH:317-494 6449 FAX:317-494 0517
web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu