Laser Scanning Cytometry Seminar
Holiday Inn, University Center
Pittsburgh, PA
July 2,1997
9:30-9:45 Introduction to CompuCyte and LSC Dr. Gene Zwolinski PhD
CompuCyte Corp.
9:45-10:00 Brief LSC Demonstartion (Overview)
10:00-10:45 Immunophenotypic Analysis of FNA's Dr. Richard Clatch MD, PhD
Christ Hospital
Oaklawn, IL
10:45-11:30 Applications of Laser Scanning Dr. Elizabeth Bedner MD
Cytometry in Clinical Pathology NY Medical College
and Cell Cycle Analysis
11:30-12:00 Cytogeneics Studies by LSC Linda Trinkle
Automating FISH Probe Spot Counts CompuCyte Corp.
Contact : Mike Robertson 800-840-1303, ext. 567 to reserve space and to