Canine Immunophenotyping
Michel Canton (
Mon, 9 Jun 1997 12:06:58 +0200
Hello, Flowers:
Last week, Amy Crosbie asked about anyone with experience with canine
I understand that she is more interested in leukocytes.
I shall respond to the Mailing list because we have worked mostly on
platelets and someone could also be interested in canine platelets.
Earlier this year we have been involved with some work for some
pharmaceutical companies to establish the quantitative canine, pig, macaca
cynomolgus platelet Glycoproteins immunophenotypes under various conditions.
To achieve this task we have used the QIFI technology which we developed
many years ago. This technology, derived from our CYTOQUANT Gp kit and
adapted to these specific needs, allowed us to complete these projects very
rapidly with great success by testing platelets directly in citrated whole
blood with no washing step.
The results were obtained after validating various mouse anti human Gp
monoclonal antibodies. Unfortunately we did not have the time to go further
and to establish the quantitative immunophenotypes on granulocytes for these
various animal species, commonly used in the pharmaceutical R&D.
The overall great advantage of this method is that one does not need to FITC
label or PE label the monoclonal antibodies. Therefore the screening of the
best suitable reagents is easy. Another big advantage is that the method is
very standardized and works on any type of flow cytometer.
Hoping these informations may be of some help to Amy and to other people,
Michel Canton, PharmD
Managing Director
140, Chemin de l'Arm=E9e d'Afrique
13010 Marseille
Tel: +33 (0)4 91 94 29 39
Fax: +33 (0)4 91 47 24 71