Re: Methods for sorting viable X and Y sperm
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:27:19 -0400 (EDT)

There was a session at the last ISAC meeating in Remini dealing with some
of these questions. It was chaired by Dr. Marvin_Meistrich.

Is it possible to use FITC oligos to specific regions of the Y
>>chromosome to accomplish this? I have sent the graduate student back to
>>out more on this possibility, but am wondering if anyone out there is already
>>doing this or has found it to be impossible, or is using another even more
>>elegant method?
>I doubt that you could get the oligos to hybridize while retaining
>viability. I keep hearing that there are X- and/or Y-specific surface
>antigens, which would be ideal. Larry Johnson of the U. S. Department of
>Agriculture probably knows more about sex selection by sperm sorting than
>anybody else. Some references from a few years back are:
>Cran DG, Johnson LA, Miller NG, Cochrane D, Polge C: Production of bovine
>calves following separation of X- and Y-chromosome bearing sperm and in
>vitro fertilisation. Vet Rec 132:40-1, 1993
>Hendriksen PJ, Tieman M, Van der Lende T, Johnson LA: Binding of anti-H-Y
>monoclonal antibodies to separated X and Y chromosome-bearing porcine and
>bovine sperm. Mol Reprod Dev 35:189-96, 1993