Repost: Clinical FCM Survey

Dr. Philip McCoy (pmccoy@UMDNJ.EDU)
Wed, 24 May 1995 11:33:11 -0400 (EDT)


This survey is intended only for flow cytometry laboratories
analyzing specimens which are billed to patients or insurance
companies. Please do not return this form if you are a research
facility. Results of this survey will be presented at the CAC
meeting in Charleston, SC in August. There are 40 questions and the
survey should take 15-20 mins. to complete. Thank you for your

Please return form to:
Dr. Philip McCoy, The Flow Cytometry Lab
Dept. of Pediatrics, Three Cooper Plaza, Suite 410
Camden, NJ 08103
or FAX to (609) 338-1468

Check here if lab is in the U.S.A.____

1. Site of Lab (check one): Hospital-based ____ Reference___
Other(specify) __________________________

2. Type of Lab: Flow Cytometry only ___ Flow Cytometry & Image ___
Flow Cytometry & Hematology ___Flow Cytometry & Immunology___
Other (specify)____________________________

3. Departmental Affiliation:
Pathology___ Medicine___ Pediatrics___
Surgery___ Other (specify)___

4. The Lab is inspected by: CAP___ JCAHO___ CLIA___ Other

5. What percent of the flow cytometry specimens in your facility
is from HMOs or other managed health care plans? _____%

6. How many flow cytometers are in your facility? _______

7. How many image cytometers are in your facility? _______


8. Number of full time employees (FTEs) who devote primary effort
to flow cytometry. ______

9. Education of Lab Director. PhD__ MD___ DO___ DDS___ MS___
BS___ Other (specify)__________________

10. Education of Lab Supervisor. PhD___ MD___ DO___ DDS___ MS___
BS___ Other (specify)______________________

11. Are same individuals trained for sample preparation &
analysis?. Yes___ No___

12. Are operators MT (ASCP) with cytometry certificate?
Yes___ No___

13. In the last 2 years, are FTE's for Flow cytometry increasing
or decreasing?
Increasing___ Decreasing___ Unchanged___


14. Total number of specimens analyzed in 1994._______

15. Test performed (check all that apply):
a) Leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping___ b) CD4 counts___
c) DNA/cell cycle analysis___ d) reticulocyte counts___
e) mitogen stimulation___ f) oxidative burst___
g) phagocytosis___
h) Lymphocyte immunophenotyping (other than AIDS/HIV)____
i) Other (specify)_________________________________

16. Which test from question 15 is most often performed?________

17. Immunophenotyping performed on clinical specimens (check all
that apply): 1 color___ 2 color___ 3 color___4 color___
5 color___

18. Has the number of specimens for FCM increased or decreased
in the past 2 yrs? Increased___ Decreased___ Unchanged___

19. Are you evaluating other methods for some of these tests to
replace current flow cytometric assays? Yes___ No___

If yes, please give examples:__________________________

20. How many markers are analyzed in your average leukemia

21. Do you have separate marker panels for lymphoid and myeloid
leukemias? Yes___ No___

22. Do you ever run both marker panels on one specimen?
Yes___ No___

23. Do you "customize" marker panels for each specimen?
Yes___ No ___


24. Written interpretations are written for:
Leukemia/Lymphoma immunophenotyping___ CD4 counts___
DNA/cell cycle___ reticulocyte count___
mitogen stimulation___ O2 burst___phagocytosis___
Other (specify)_______________________

25. The interpretive reports are written by: Lab Director___
Lab Supervisor___ Pathologist___ Hematologist___
Other (specify_________________________

26. Are FCM interpretive reports separate from other pathology
reports or are they integrated into one comprehensive
pathology report?
Separate____ Comprehensive___ Other (specify) ___

27. Does the Flow Cytometry lab provide morphologic analysis?
Yes___ No___

28. Does the Flow Cytometry lab provide cytochemical stains?
Yes___ No___
if yes, are these performed prior to flow cytometry? Yes__ No__

29. What do you feel is the most important prognostic
information for leukemia?
lineage___ ploidy___ cell cycle___
aberrant marker expression___ MDR___ other (specify)__________

30. What do your clinicians feel is the most important
prognostic information for leukemia?
lineage___ ploidy___ cell cycle___
aberrant marker expression___ MDR___ other (specify)__________

31. Do you report intensity of marker staining? Yes ___ No____
Why or why not (how is it used)?____________________________

32. Do you use CD45 for gating leukemias? Yes___ No___

33. Do you have in-house reference ranges for:
Adult Peripheral Blood ___ ___
Pediatric Peripheral Blood ___ ___
Adult Bone Marrow ___ ___
Pediatric Bone Marrow ___ ___
Adult Lymph Node ___ ___
Pediatric Lymph Node ___ ___
Other (specify)____________ ___ ___


34. What specimens do you perform DNA/Cell Cycle studies on?
Leukemias___ lymphomas___ breast tumors___
prostate tumors___ ovarian tumors___
stomach/colon tumors___ lung tumors___
squamous cell carcinomas___ melanomas___
others (specify)

35. For cell cycling, do you report S phase separate from G2M?
Yes___ No___

36. How do you define slow proliferation? (give %)
___% S or ___% S+G2M

37. Are ploidy and/or proliferation studies included in the
histology/pathology report or is the flow cytometry data
reported separately?
part of histology report___ separate___

38. Software used for DNA/cell cycle analysis (check all that
Cellfit____ Modfit____ ModfitLT____ Cytologic____
Multicycle____ Multiplus____ LYSYSII____ FCAP-1 ____
Cicero ____ Other (specify) _______________________


39. How much do you charge for the technical component of flow
cytometric analyses?
Immunophenotyping (per marker) ______

DNA/ cell cycle analysis _____

Mitogen stimulation _____

Oxidative burst _____

Reticulocyte count _____

Other (specify) _____

40. How much do you charge for the interpretive (professional)
component of flow cytometric analyses?
Immunophenotyping (per marker) _____

DNA/ cell cycle analysis _____

Mitogen stimulation _____

Oxidative burst _____

Reticulocyte count _____

Other (specify) _____