EPICS-C parts wanted

Edgar L. Milford (emilford@bustoff.bwh.harvard.edu)
Wed, 25 Sep 96 16:36:10 EDT

We have an aging EPICS-C cytometer in our research lab and have had
problems with a number of the components, boards, drives etc. Does anyone
out there have a junker from which we can obtain free parts for our beast?
This is a noncommercial research machine at an academic center.

Also does anyone know of sources for replacement lasers for the EPICS-C
including installation other than Coulter itself?


Edgar L. Milford, M.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Tissue Typing Laboratory
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA, 02115
Tel: 617 - 732-5872
Fax: 617 - 566-6176