Purdue University Cytometry Mailing List by thread
Starting: Tue 24 Sep 1996 - 00:00:-46298 EST
Ending: Sun 05 Jan 1997 - 17:27:25 EST
Messages: 700
- OKT3 Meenakshi Roy
- CD10 expression in follicular lymphoma Kevin G Waddick
- CD10 expression in follicular lymphoma Brent Dorsett
- Re: Monocyte recovery after GCSF Timothy Graubert
- one further note - Brent Dorsett
- myosin sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- kappa/lambda/CD19 reagents -Reply CATHARINE S. FRITSCHI
- kappa/lambda/CD19 reagents -Reply CATHARINE S. FRITSCHI
- Re: Thy1 Antibodies Derek Davies
- Antibody Source for Murine Cell Cycle Proteins Nancy DiFronzo
- Re: Positions available Jan Nelson
- Thy1 Antibodies Jim Houston
- Source for Annexin V-FITC Kathy McKinnon
- Monocyte recovery after GCSF Jim Houston
- RE: kappa/lambda/CD19 reagents Peter Chapple
- FW: hairy cell leukemia Kees Pot
- kappa/lambda/CD19 reagents Eric Hsi
- Sales Position Bob Johnson
- hairy cell leukemia mann0002@mc.duke.edu
- Happy New Year REFERENCE@cinet.fcr.es
- Cytometry Sales Career Opportunities Jack Greenblott
- B cell activation Keith Bahjat
- Re: RE: HIP failure/lymph nodes PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- RE: Reminder: Abstracts due for Atl. Flow Mtg. Sharon S. Fisher
- Re: RE: HIP failure/lymph nodes marivera@ibmail.smst290.att.com
- 1st Virtual Spanish-American Congress of Pathology jemoro@lander.es
- Annual Flow Cytometry Course Jim Jett
- CMV antigen detection in PMN Adrian O Vladutiu
- WinFCM Janek Brozek
- Thanks Folks..... Eric Miller
- Thank you Michele Lutz
- Thanks & Happy Christmas Joseph Webster
- Thank you Glenda, M, Davison
- Seasons Greetings...and thank you all PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Thanks Jean Parker from Cytometry EMAIL PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- 1st Spanish-American Virtual Congress of Pathology jemoro@lander.es
- annexin V and rbc's addendum KATHY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- A Contemporary Christmas Story C. Kevin Becker
- HPV1 - TK Mab Ingrid Stahmer
- How can I connect my PC to the Coulter Profile II, or its workstation Bakul I. Dalal, MD FRCPC
- CD34+ cell enumeration D. Robert Sutherland
- staining mitochondria barbara ann butcher
- FACS440 PMTs and related Question Raymond B. Hester
- Techniques in Apoptosis ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- HSV 1- Thymidine Kinase Mab Ingrid Stahmer
- BD-HP computer connection to WIN95 LEKAHN@ccmail.monsanto.com
- annexin V and RBC's KATHY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- http://www.cyto.purdue.edu/hmarchive/Cytometry/date.html#start Marc Langweiler
- APC summary Meenakshi Roy
- RE: FasL mAb epitopes and staining procs Andreas.Christaras
- Re: RE: PI staining of PBLs Dr. Michael G. Ormerod
- Disconnected ROBBERT@top.tn.utwente.nl
- bone marrow phenotyping -Reply Karen Henell
- book Michele Lutz
- Detection of transcription factors by flow cytometry Stephen P. Lerman, Ph.D.
- RE: bone marrow phenotyping Wood,Brent
- New web info..CD-ROM 2 & 3.. Update PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- re: Re: UV beads Michael Fox
- re: UVbeads Michael Fox
- bone marrow phenotyping Brent Dorsett
- RE: THP-1's and fluorescent dyes Dan Smith
- THP-1's and fluorescent dyes mckenziekroeger.jl@pg.com
- FCS3.0 Larry Seamer
- subscribing Noelle Williams
- EARTHWORMS Beisker Wolfgang
- best immune markers? sgaffin@NATICK-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
- RE: Fluorescent Microbeads for Antigen Detection Beavis, Andrew
- CICERO for FACStarPLus Janek Brozek
- Re[2]: apoptosis antibodies (FASL, GRANZ, PERFOR) tom_frey@bdis.com
- Mathematical models in immunology . Oleg S. Vasilyev
- CAC Meeting Announcement Linda Tedlock
- Data file standards in cytometry on the ISAC WWW Page Dave Coder
- PI staining of PBLs Manabu Takahashi
- Positions vacant Walter Sharp
- Re: Plant flow cytometry Wendy Jones
- high speed sorting Michael Schumm
- Re: apoptosis antibodies (FASL, GRANZ, PERFOR) Andreas.Christaras
- DNA analysis of mollusks -Reply Charles Kuszynski
- lysis giuseppe@ibm.net
- cell cycle Diana Stone
- UV beads David Dicker
- Re: UV & TxRed/APC Alignment beads? Wayne Green
- Micro Review Article Elaine Kunze
- Fluorescent Microbeads for Antigen Detection Barren, Phil
- UV & TxRed/APC Alignment beads? Steven Merlin
- cell cycle Steven Merlin
- annexin V Richard Lempicki
- Job Posting: Cell Sorter Operator BIGOS@Darwin.Stanford.EDU
- DNA analysis of mollusks KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Postdoctoral Fellowship DR M AL-RUBEAI
- Micro Review Article Elaine Kunze
- Annexin V Richard Lempicki
- Plant flow cytometry John Mottley
- calcium green, etc. Darren Hickerson
- Mast Cell Identification Richard K. Meister
- Job Opening Elizabeth Paietta
- RE: Intracellular staining of cytokines Tom Mc Closkey
- None PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- PI staining of PBLs Dr. Michael G. Ormerod
- Annexin V (fwd) Nan Lin
- Re: enumeration of CD34+ cells Wayne Green
- mRNA detection using flow aleta knowles
- Fluorescence quenching by HCl Charles Kuszynski
- Mac Data Archiving Barry Udis
- Anti rat von Willebrand factor Ab. Dr James Clark
- Please, help me. Oleg S. Vasilyev
- RE: Listmode Archival Storage Peter Chapple
- Lismode Archival Storage Debbie Glencross
- Laser Scanning Cytometer DIANE M SHARP
- RE: apoptosis Amy Wagelie-Steffen
- Intracellular staining of cytokines ILAB Husebekk Anne
- enumeration of CD34+ cells Glenda, M, Davison
- unsubscribe Craig Nobert
- apoptosis Maria Cristina Ribeiro de Castro
- Coulter's Retic kit. Walter Sharp
- Reminder: Abstracts due for Atl. Flow Mtg. Sharon S. Fisher
- G0 versus G1 Eric Miller
- Relative Fluorescence of A-GFP S65T Sam Witherspoon
- bone marrow Vincent Gin
- Alternate platelet therapies: symposium Robin Barclay
- RE: PE-Cy5 or PER-CP Calman Prussin
- More thoughts on FACScan FLx drift Geoffrey Osborne
- Cell cycle algorithms Duperray Christophe
- Adherent cells Chance, Tim
- help ? Apoptosis in flow vs Chromium release kill assay Hans-Peter Steffens
- Antibody Staining of fimbriae on E.coli Barren, Phil
- APC Meenakshi Roy
- Re: Elite Workstation Configuration Terry Godley
- Re: Elite for Win Problems P.Openshaw Medicine
- PE-Cy5 or PER-CP Kim Staquet
- Re: FACScan FLx drift Joseph Webster
- PhD studentship available P.Openshaw Medicine
- Stain specific for DNA (no RNA) and excitable with ArKr-Laser Steffen Dietzel
- Position available Margaret Cooley
- Re: FACScan FLx drift Andy Riddell
- CD34 test ctnebe
- isolating nuclei julia philips
- a message EMteam
- Coulter EPICS Elite? SKCC
- FCSC in Europe? Janek Brozek
- Re: Adherent Cells Deborah Berglund
- Colleague looking for position Stephen P. Lerman, Ph.D.
- FACScan FL1/FL3 comp and FLx drift vanburen%flovax.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- NIH Position Available Steve Chomicz
- Re[3]: Data Analysis Jeanette Drew
- Anti-HbF Mark Cozens
- (Fwd) Thanks! (giving) Knuchel,Knuechel,Clarke,Klarke
- Re[2]: Data analysis Jorg Ueckert
- RE: CD34-which antibody post bead selection? Peter Chapple
- CD34-which antibody to use post bead selection? Bowers, D, Desiree, Mrs
- AFCG Clinical Guidelines on WWW Geoffrey Osborne
- Staining with fluorochrome conjugated oligos Aki Hoji
- PNH Walter Sharp
- AML-M7 Walter Sharp
- Thanks! (giving) Nicholas King
- Fixation of FDG ? Martin Poot
- New web site marcello spano
- New web site marcello spano
- DNase Dominique MARIE
- Canine lymphocytes Andrew Macintyre
- CD34-which antibody post bead selection? Janssens, D, Denise, Mrs
- MESF Calculations Abe Schwartz
- DNA software for Yeast Steven Merlin
- Adherent Cells Lesterjp@aol.com
- Coulter Immuno Lyse pamela mccloskey
- Annexin V as monoclonal antibodie available ? EMteam
- Thanks! (giving) Ric Thorpe
- e-nos Dr James Clark
- Literature about MESF Andreas.Christaras
- isolation of DNA from formaldehyde fixed cells Rochelle A. Diamond
- Lysing nuclei containing erythrocytes of a pre-term's bone marrow Andreas.Christaras
- cell cycle analysis with PI Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- Feline leukocyte markers Richard K. Meister
- Data analysis kschafer@lucy.tli.org
- RE: Elite Computer problems solved for All!!! Ross Longley
- Equipment Wanted Microdrop@aol.com
- Chesapeake Cytometry Consortium December Meeting F. Joseph Chrest
- Fixation avec FDG Coloration ? Matthias Haury
- Job Openings Jonni S. Moore
- Elite Computer problems solved (at least for me!) Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Thanks Surgical Labs Resident
- sorting for mol.biol. studies Walter Giaretti
- Elite Gibberish Solution Abby Allen
- staining of cord blood CD34+ cells Yashpal Agrawal
- Sorting cell/nuclear suspensions on basis of DNA ploidy Jeanette Drew
- Absolute Counts in Peripheral Blood Jeff_Harvey@bio-rad.com
- cell cycle analysis with PI Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- cell cycle analysis with PI Anna Porwit
- DNase Dominique MARIE
- Courtesy Landi_Stefano/TT@occuphealth.fi
- Broken Slot Machine Characters on Elite Software C. Kevin Becker
- unusual T cell phenotype/absolute counts ctnebe
- Use of Acridine Orange in killing assay. Surgical Labs Resident
- job opening Ayala Sharp
- job opening Andreas Radruch
- Use of Acridine Orange in killing assay. Abby Allen
- keratinocytes Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- chlamydia reagents ctnebe
- Live/dead cell discrimination ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Re[2]: Absolute counts from flow cytometry Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- Elite Display problems on a Pentium Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Atypical T cell immunophenotype Dr. Ken Orr
- 4th color options Mario Roederer
- Instrument for Sale Keith Bahjat
- Re: Absolute counts from flow cytometry Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Live/Dead discrimination on the fixed cells Aki Hoji
- Absolute Counts in Peripheral Blood Howard Shapiro
- DNase Dominique MARIE
- Re: Absolute counts from flow cytometry Doug Terle
- flow crossmatch JULIA M WARD
- Absolute counts from flow cytometry Jeff Carrell
- Cryo Preserved Cell Staining Jim Houston
- questions about superantigen/apoptosis Meenakshi Roy
- Re[2]: FL4/FACSCalibur angela_schultz@bdis.com
- Re[2]: FL4 tom_frey@bdis.com
- Re: Cytometry Bulletin Board Dr B. Sihra
- questions about superantigen/apoptosis studies Meenakshi Roy
- Last email message on CD-ROM VOL 2 PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Ethernet conection Laborator Citometrie
- HLA-DR/CD4 + Oleg S. Vasilyev
- Job Posting Kristi R. Harkins
- HLA-DR/CD4 + Oleg S. Vasilyev
- Glutaraldehyde Martin Poot
- RE: Bovine-specific CD's markers Mara Rocchi
- Position at CDC Nicholson, Janet
- HIV+ cells/stream-in-air sorting/safety issues Frederic Preffer
- Krypton Laser for GFP? Pizzo,Eugene
- text from flow data KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Oxonols, TO-PROs, etc. as Live-Dead Discriminators Howard Shapiro
- Mouse reticulocytes Timothy Graubert
- Any challenging job opportunities? Robert Carter, M.D.
- Ovine or Bovine-specific endothelial cell monoclonal antibodies Sean P. McDonough
- RE: ModFit S/W Don Herbert
- Any challenging job opportunities? R.E.vanLeeuwen@tn.utwente.nl
- RE: Murine Histocompatability Antigens Calman Prussin
- ATP Alice L. Givan
- equipment for sale Julie Auger
- Rimini96 Internet Tutorial on the Web VALET@vms.biochem.mpg.de
- Re: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Howard Shapiro
- Cell Cycle Software Terry Hoy
- Re[4]: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Tissue Cross Match on Coulter XL Robert Pyle
- Murine Histocompatability Antigens Chris Schmidt
- Auto Analyzers Mariam
- Increasing cytoplasmic fluorescence - final Walter Sharp
- Re[2]: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm tom_frey@bdis.com
- Re: Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm Douglas B. Kell
- Coulter Profile II Service bsi@flash.net
- murine H2 Pizzo,Eugene
- anti human IL-8 monoclonals Padma Kumar Narayanan
- Murine Histocompatability Antigens aultk.mmcwp4@mmc.org
- glutaraldehyde fixation Jan Keij
- Cellquest to PC Pizzo,Eugene
- Staining of Bacteria Martin Poot
- CMV-specific surface antigens Gregor Rothe
- mouse stem cells Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Expression of Annexin on Activated platelets colette charland
- BSA vs FCS Janet K. Currie
- RE:Modfit S/W austin
- FL4 Panther850@aol.com
- Dead Cell Marker on 633 nm FL4 ? Matthias Haury
- Sca-1 Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Re: Increasing Cytoplasmic fluorescence Hector Nolla
- Tunel in skeletal muscle tarnok@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
- Tricolor + PI Compensation on FACStar Plus ? Matthias Haury
- Comments to the clinical cytometry questions ctnebe
- FACSing Bacteria Scott D. Simpson
- Increasing cytoplasmic fluorescence 2 Walter Sharp
- Human NK cell lines Martinez, Joseph
- FCS Assistant 1.3.1 bug warning Ray Hicks
- flow cytometry reports Michael Kornstein
- 'Calibur vs. XL: Survey results Marc Langweiler
- Feotal Heamoglobin Andy
- antibody titration analysis Tom Mchugh
- c-myc low B cell line Maurice R.G. O'Gorman
- Re[2]: PMN Markers ( and that pesky CCC article) Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Re: cytoplasmic CD3 or cytoplasmic CD22 Elizabeth Paietta
- TUNEL - double staining Graham Atherton
- Increasing Cytoplasmic fluorescence Walter Sharp
- high speed sorting of cells lines knappt
- WWW - change of address Hazel Davey
- cytoplasmic CD3 or cytoplasmic CD22 Tim
- Fixation of calcein stained cells Edgar Rivedal
- Wanted:experienced flow cytometry person Sanden, Gary
- RE: PMN Markers Al Sabirsh
- CD79a Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Fwd: Platelet studies with flow cytometry LanceIRay@aol.com
- Networking Solutions Keith Bahjat
- HPQ2 or Bruce Bagwell or Mark Munson - where are they now? Al Sabirsh
- RE: PMN Markers Keith Bahjat
- Re[2]: that pesky CCC article Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Re: PMN Markers R.E.vanLeeuwen@tn.utwente.nl
- Statistical analysis of flow-data Joern Schmitz
- A new flow site Douglas B. Kell
- FITC-PNA Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- FISH - what's the best way? Al Sabirsh
- Re: PMN Markers Howard Shapiro
- Flow cytometry books: thanks! Al Sabirsh
- Coulter Profile II Service bsi@flash.net
- Rare Cell Sorting References Leary, James
- Signal to Noise Keith Bahjat
- NJ Carpool to User Group Meeting Thomas Delohery
- Rare Event Sorting knappt
- Re: PMN Markers R.E.vanLeeuwen@tn.utwente.nl
- Fluorescein-labeled Peanut Agglutinin(PNA) YKJEONG@amherst.edu
- Flow Books Larry Arnold
- Biochemistry Walter Sharp
- Phagocytosis: FITC quenching and fixation of samples Natalio Garcia
- Cytometry Books Howard Shapiro
- MoFlo FCS files and WinMDI Bruce Milthorpe
- Platforms Alberto Cambrosio
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry User Group Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- ISAC conference on molecular pathology david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- autofluorescence of rainbow trout cells Rosemarie Catherine Ganassin
- reliaibility p2170227@vmsuser.acsu.unsw.EDU.AU
- Sort Recovery/Yield Jim Houston
- 'Calibur vs. XL: Survey Marc Langweiler
- stain all cell/bacteria Georgia M. Farris
- sorting of chromosomes Andreas Simm
- More monkey business monard@adarc.nyu.edu
- books on flow Martin, Jill V.
- FACSCalibur parameter settings for analysis of baacteria Dyane N Sonier
- CD4 APC antibodies monard@adarc.nyu.edu
- Paraformaldehyde effects on RNA for PCR Kristi R. Harkins
- re: that pesky CCC article Tom Mc Closkey
- re: endothelial cell ROI Tom Mc Closkey
- flow books Martin, Jill V.
- RE: TUNEL Kits T. Vincent Shankey
- Specific marker for PMN? Andreas Schrer
- RE: TUNEL Kits C. Kevin Becker
- Splenectomy Walter Sharp
- Books about flow cytometry Dianne Budd
- Help: info on user groups Alberto Cambrosio
- SUMMARY of "CD4:CD8 Ratio" Responses dladouceur@isdtcp3.hwc.ca
- Re: Books, Web Info, CD-ROM II PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- ISAC 1997 Sam Latt Conference Dave Coder
- Annexin V and DNA Fragmentation Aki Hoji
- CD41 and EDTA Walter Sharp
- Serotec & heat stability Walter Sharp
- RE: Books about flow cytometry: suggestions? Ron_Dudek@bio-rad.com
- RE: Books about flow cytometry: suggestions? Woods-Cook Kathie MSM PH223 CH
- Three-Color Analysis of DNA LAADAMS@am.pnu.com
- Follow up on Sorting Vincent Falco
- High vs low SPF in breast carcinomas Flow Cytometry
- Apoptosis, PS exposure, Annexin V c.reutelingsperger
- that pesky ccc article... MARK
- re: Principle of detecting apoptosis with Annexin V T. Vincent Shankey
- Books about flow cytometry: suggestions? Al Sabirsh
- Tunel v.s. annexin V bert.schutte
- BD DNA QC Particle Kits Robert Pyle
- Annexin V and DNA fragmentation david_hedley@pmh.toronto.on.ca
- Spectrum Laser Mark Gauci
- RE: Principle of detecting apoptosis Tom Mc Closkey
- RE: TUNEL Kits Rakesh Nagarajan
- Re: elite detector Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Calibur vs. XL Robert Pyle
- Calibur vs. XL Bert.Schutte@MOLCELB.UNIMAAS.NL
- Stewart Conner gap@MIT.EDU
- Flow Cytometry: Microbiology Applications Seminar Harry J. Kazmierczak
- CAC, CCS, CCC Linda Tedlock
- burkitt or non-burkitt ctnebe
- cell preparation/core facilities -Reply Susan Demaggio
- Re: Sorting Difficulties Hector Nolla
- CCC Meeting Summary F. Joseph Chrest
- Principle of detecting apoptosis with Annexin V Yashpal Agrawal
- Red Fluorescence Problems on the Elite Mr. Douglas Smoot
- Tunel/Annexin/MoAb Ugo Consoli
- dried plant material Wolfgang Wlach
- Oxidative burst in HUVEC cells mckenziekroeger.jl@pg.com
- Tunnel vs Annexin V labelling Aki Hoji
- portable computers Jim Houston
- TUNEL vs Annexin V Piet van Erp
- pulse plot Nicholas Terry
- Re[2]: Heat stability dladouceur@isdtcp3.hwc.ca
- Interesting clinical case Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Sorting Difficulties Vincent Falco
- proportionality Thomas Delohery
- Re: cell preparation/core facilities Larry Seamer
- UV activated GFP Wayne Green
- Re: Tunnel Assay Wayne Green
- cell preparation/core facilities Christine OConnell
- Hoechst toxicity Haring Rene
- RE>Calculating CD4:CD8 ratios Henk Niphuis
- Heat stability Walter Sharp
- indo beads Alice L. Givan
- pulse plot Larry Seamer
- Re: Technical Writer Perran McDaniel
- Calculating CD4:CD8 ratios dladouceur@isdtcp3.hwc.ca
- Re[2]: saturation binding & fluorescence intensity James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- Re: Positions Available Perran McDaniel
- Tunnel Assay Jim Houston
- saturation binding & fluorescence intensity Mario Roederer
- FACSCount NoahHadas@aol.com
- To flow-ers in Western PA and environs Albert D Donnenberg, PhD
- fodder Thomas Delohery
- anti-Fas hybridomas Meenakshi Roy
- Intracellular pH and BCECF colette charland
- hematopoietic cell sizing by flow Scott R Burger
- Moab to CD40L Ronald L. Rabin, M.D.
- CY5 Deborah Berglund
- bacteria and flow knappt
- FOLKS Adrian Moris
- antibody to CD40L Meenakshi Roy
- Pico green Schultz, Roger
- Heat stability Walter Sharp
- database Alice L. Givan
- heat stability Martin, Jill V.
- Hoechst; Viable sorting - cell cycle..question? Faust, J. S.
- Problems reading Profile files Iona O'Brien
- Re: Profile to FCS listmode data Conversion Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron
- Progenitor Cells in NonHuman Primates Ross Longley
- need EPICS V subtraction modules fishb@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- RE: Calcium data analysis Dan Smith
- Calcium data analysis Dawson, Carolyn
- Tuesday the 8th -Reply William Wansley
- Position Opening Davin Jutila
- Moab to CD40L Hughes, EJ, Jane, Ms
- Pollens Robert Nordon
- dead cells pre-fixation Meenakshi Roy
- DNA shareware?? Keith Kelley
- Re:Profile to FCS listmode data Conversion Terry Godley
- Tuesday the 8th Robert Karaffa
- Progenitor Cells in NonHuman Primates (no name)
- apoptosis and surface staining barbara ann butcher
- RE>Dead cells pre-fixation Henk Niphuis
- spores by flow Paul Zimmer
- Post doc / fellow position availlable Ulrich Sack
- RE: Dead cells pre-fixation Mara Rocchi
- RE: 0.5 micron beads Maurizio Mezzetti
- Re: JBL Scientific Calin Tatu
- Dead cells pre-fixation Snider Denis
- 0.5 micron beads Don Walker
- Summary: PC/MAC Acquisition Software lorie_m@SMTPGATE.bcsew.edu
- RE: Converting Profile listmode files to FCS format Dan Smith
- ATTO-Phos and JBL Scientific Gurnsey, Michael
- Posting to your Message board Richard Spencer
- Help an Australian colleague? Nicholas Terry
- blast analysis? Meenakshi Roy
- PC & Windows based Data Acquisition Terry Godley
- anti-p21-biotin Jan Keij
- air cooled lasers Cheryl Cote
- Reference range of CD4/8 ratio Bakul I. Dalal, MD FRCPC
- Questions Adrian Moris
- Fileguard Software Abby Allen
- RE: ACDU problems on the HP lorie_m@SMTPGATE.bcsew.edu
- RE. Flow Course ctnebe
- Converting Profile listmode files to FCS format Bakul I. Dalal, MD FRCPC
- Cytotoxicity kit Martin Poot
- ACDU problems on the HP jim.henthorn@CCLINK.NET.uokhsc.edu
- DNP Paul Sopp
- Cell cycle analysis Terry Hoy
- F.Y.I. Henk Niphuis
- Temporary interruption SKELLEY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Re: BrDU-proliferation assay question Bela_Mehta@bdis.com
- UPDATE on Coulter EPICS 753 offer Kevin G Waddick
- RE: Sorting of cell organelles MURPHY@a.cfr.cmu.edu
- Musical quiz (re:yet another musical reference) Donald E. Mosier
- Yet another musical reference David Galbraith
- RE: Jethro Tull/Pink McNally, Jeremy M.D.
- PC-based FACS Acquisition lorie_m@SMTPGATE.bcsew.edu
- RE: Sorting of cell organelles MURPHY@a.cfr.cmu.edu
- Molecular Probes Cytotox-Kit Question Andreas Schroeder
- Jethro Tull/Pink pat029@abdn.ac.uk
- PI Staining of Yeast AND Decreased Signal pat029@abdn.ac.uk
- Yet another musical reference Adrian Moris
- Sorting of cell organelles Larry Arnold
- CD34+ selecting and culture -forwarded from L Anderson D. Robert Sutherland
- Trypsin treatment of HLA class I Andy
- Mean channel fluorescence Vincent Falco
- FACStar Plus Nancy Higgins
- Mathematica as Data Analyzer Aki Hoji
- Difficult PI staining of yeast Miller, Mark A.
- BrdU ronald hill
- HP TagSale Pizzo,Eugene
- Cost for use of core facility Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Current procedures for staining HIV-infected PBLs P. Echeagaray
- Tracking DNA/RNA trafficking Martin Poot
- NK recognition Vladimir Kuznetsov
- RE: Reference David Galbraith
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry Users Meeting JoAnne Thomas
- IL-4 receptor mdemaria@warren.med.harvard.edu
- Re[2]: PE/Cy5 on a FACS Calibur Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- Re: Phenol red fluoresecence Ken McCullough
- Position available Eileen Utterson
- Re: your mail Larry Seamer
- Thin Ice Michael Binks
- RE: Reference Wood,Brent
- 3 and 4 color compensation on 750 durack gary
- MIP-1 alpha bpijb@picr.cr.man.ac.uk
- RE: Reference (fwd) Kevin G Waddick
- Nematode Cytometry - please help! Susan Jane Hogarth
- BrdU-Proliferation assay question Andreas Schroeder
- stroma Patchari Tanawattanacharoen
- Coulter EPICS 753 Kevin G Waddick
- Wanted:FACStar Plus Vincent Falco
- Three color on a 753 Steve G. Hilliard
- Cellquest to PC gene pizzo
- Reply to TO-PRO-3 Martin Poot
- Reply to TO-PRO-3 bpijb@picr.cr.man.ac.uk
- EPICS-C parts wanted Edgar L. Milford
- Re: Phenol red fluoresecence Steven Z. Merlin
- CD97 Joern Schmitz
- Any FACScan's for sale? NoahHadas@aol.com
- Anti-inflammatories Dan Smith
- ca++ flux calibration KUKURUGA@medmail.med.umich.edu
- Alternative colors for FACScalibur Mario Roederer
- 3rd colour out of 4 Derek Davies
- cell cycle question PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Phenol red fluoresecence? Robin Barclay
- CD ROM II JIM@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Re: Response to Low level CD4/8 Counting in patients with Chronic Jim Houston
- fluorescent tags for DNA ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- CD34+ selecting and culture Kalman Miklos
- Anti-Rat Complement Abs? James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- equipment for sale Christine OConnell
- summary:batch analysis of data files "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- PE/Cy5 on a FACS Calibur Calman Prussin
- Re: Fluorescent tags for free DNA N.W. BLACKHALL
- Re: SCID mice Rochelle A. Diamond
- TO-Pro 3 Charles Kuszynski
- PI and yeast Bruce Milthorpe
Last message date: Sun 05 Jan 1997 - 17:27:25 EST
Archived on: Mon Jan 06 1997 - 13:13:04 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.