Los Alamos, New Mexico, June 8-13, 1997
Sponsored by
The Los Alamos National Flow Cytometry Resource (NFCR),
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine, and
Verity Software House
Course Description: A methods course in flow cytometry will be offered
with special emphasis on applications in cell biology and immunology. The
faculty will consist of distinguished members of the flow cytometry
community. This course will be aimed toward individuals with several years
of experience in flow cytometry; very little basic material will be
presented. Lectures will include applications in immunology and cell
biology, chromosome analysis, cytochemistry, multivariate analysis,
fluorescence probes, single cell nucleic acid analysis, intracellular
antigen quantification, special applications, and new technology.
Laboratory sessions will address sample preparation, instrument
construction, data collection and analysis, and typical problems
encountered in flow cytometry. Each participant will receive lecture and
laboratory materials. In addition, if there is enough interest, there will
be a separate instrumentation laboratory track that will include sessions
on phase sensitive/fluorescence life time measurements, DNA fragment
sizing, sorting/rare event analysis, and kinetic cytometry.
Course Tuition: $995.00 (US.) includes laboratory fees; manuals; Sunday
evening reception; Thursday banquet; coffee breaks; lunches (Monday -
Thursday), and transportation (between the hotel and the laboratory,
cafeteria, and banquet). Rooms will be available at a local hotel at a
rate of $69.00 plus tax per night including a full American breakfast for a
single or $78.00 for double occupancy.
For Additional Information Contact: The latest information will be
available on the NFCR home page at: http://www-ls.lanl.gov. Further
information and registration materials can be obtained from Ms. Ruby
Archuleta, National Flow Cytometry Resource, Mail Stop M888, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 [FAX: 505/665-3024, call
505/667-2750, or email: archuleta_ruby_r@lanl.gov.
James H. Jett, MS-M888
Laboratory Fellow
Director, National Flow Cytometry Resource
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Phone: 505/667-3843
FAX: 505/665-3024
email: jett@lanl.gov