pulse plot

Nicholas Terry (ntflow@utmdacc.mda.uth.tmc.edu)
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 08:14:12 -0500

>Would anyone be willing to generate a pulse width vs area plot from this file
>and interpret it? (PC software directly) Cells were grown in low serum,
>washed, etoh fixed and stained with PI with RNAase. I don't understand the
> width signal generated from a cell line.
I would much prefer to plot pulse area (X) versus peak (Y). Without any more
details the following is only an educated guess but the smeary distribution
below the diagonal is indicative of incomplete fixation and/or a lot of
debris in the final prep.
Nicholas Terry, Ph.D.,
Experimental Radiation Oncology - 066,
The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030 USA.
Phone: 713-792-3424 Fax: 713-794-5369
WWW: http://drad52.mdacc.tmc.edu/index.htm