Computer Resources.

In addition to the three dedicated computers configured with the instruments, the HSS Flow Core provides three remote Macintosh workstations for analysis of collected data. These are located on the ground floor of the HSS Research Building two of these were recently relocated from 3rd and 4th floor locations). All of these workstations are equipped with magneto-optical cartridge drives and inkjet printers and are networked to the HSS ethernet to facilitate transfer of files from the 2nd floor instrument workstations. All instrument and remote workstations run the most recent update of CellQuest (version 3.1) as well as the DNA cell cycle analysis program ModFit ver. 2.0. The new flow analysis program FlowJo (developed at Stanford University) is being tested on one of the ground floor workstations.

The Flow Core also has a 200 Mhz Pentium PC that can accept flow data files from Mac (via the program MacOpener), for users who would prefer their data in a PC-accessible form. This PC has a 230 Mb magneto-optical cartridge and a 100 mb ZIP drive, both for transfer and conversion of files from the Mac workstations and for copying to the computer medium of the user's choice. This PC also has a writeable CD-ROM drive for data archiving. In addition, we maintain a large collection of PC-based flow cytometry and graphics applications. These include:

We also have image editing and drawing programs to convert raw flow data into clear, polished figures for publication. These include:

We also have the following on-disk and CD-ROM resources:

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