RE: FACScan side scatter problems

Dennis Broud 301-594-6259 FAX 301-443-9292 (BROUDD@fdacd.bitnet)
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 18:00:06 -0500 (EST)

I too have seen this curious little episodic "burp". As I work with
primarilarly PBMC-Scid mice, I get a nice little "straight line" right at the
bottom of the FSC/SSC (x-axis/y-axis) plot directly below the major
lymphocyte population on my FACSORT. I've seen it so often that I can
pretty much tell where its going to be, so I set my aquisition gate for
everything above it, and ignore it. Essentially I set a normal forward
scatter threshold and then use a nearly horizontal line across my
FSC/SSC plot to exclude the machine aberation.

I don't always see the aggravating little "burp", but I've worked my way
around it. Now that you've mentioned it though it doesn't make any sense
that it should be where it is. If it was clumps it ought to be at the other
end of the scale. I never have looked at the voltage during these blips, but
will do so in the future.

Who at BD have you been talking to? I'd like to find out what they think.

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