re: macrophage analysis
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 11:53:18 -0500

Dr Darley asks is there a better way to get macrophages off plastic than
scraping, or can you prevent the adherence in the first place.

Some years ago while worrying about the correlation between
activation/maturation of monocyte/macrophage cells and their cytokine
potential we found a vendor for teflon coated plastic bags. These things
worked great in that the cells didn't stick even when stimulated with LPS.
At low culture density they also didn't stick to each other much, so flow
analysis was easy if we kept them cold throughout staining protocols. The
bad news is that I no longer have the info on where we got the teflon bags.
Maybe somebody else can help.

At least one caveat-perhaps a statement of the obvious-is that adherence has
powerful and pleiotropic effects on macrophage function, and the prevention
of adherence may be a pretty unnatural situation if you're interested in

Jack Dunne
Cumulus Consulting
415 855 5504

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