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CD3 S4.1 Mouse IgG-2a APC
CD4 S3.5 Mouse IgG-2a APC
CD8 3B5 Mouse IgG-2a APC
CD18 CLB-LFA-1/1 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD19 SJ25-C1 Mouse IgG-1 APC
CD45 HI30 Mouse IgG-1 APC
HLA-DR(Class II) TU 36 Mouse IgG-2b APC
CD45 RB MEM-55 Mouse IgG-1 FITC, R-PE, TC
CD57 TB01 Mouse IgM FITC
CD103 LF61 Mouse IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE, TC
CD34 ICH-3 Mouse IgG-2a Purified
CD41 VIPL3 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD56 NKI-nbl-1 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD61 BL-E6 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD20 UA20 Mouse IgG-1 R-PE, TC
CD34 581 (Class III) Mouse IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE, Biotin, APC, TC
CD64 10.1 Mouse IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE, TC
CD11b CR3(Bear-1) Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD14 TUK 4 Mouse IgG-2a APC
CD15 V1MC6 Mouse IgM R-PE
CD18 CLB-LFA-1/1 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD32 C1KM5 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD44 MEM85 Mouse IgG-1 Purified
CD62-L DREG-56 Mouse IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE, TC
Rat Anti-Human TNF-alpha MP9-20A4 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Recombinant Human Annexin V FITC
Mouse Anti-Human Rantes VL1 Mouse IgG-2b Purified, FITC, R-PE, Biotin
Mouse Anti-Human Rantes VL3 Mouse IgG-2b Purified, Biotin
Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3 500-A2 Hamster IgG APC
Mouse Anti-Mouse Tcr V betta 8.3 KT-8C1 Mouse IgG-2a Purified, FITC, R-PE
Mouse Anti-Mouse Tcr V betta 8.2, V betta 8.3 KT8E Mouse IgG-2a Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse CD4 CT-CD4 Rat IgG-2a APC
Rat Anti-Mouse CD8 alpha CT-CD8a Rat IgG-2a APC, Cy-5
Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-5 (B-220) Pan B-Cell (CD45R) RA3-6B2 Rat IgG-2a APC
Rat Anti-Mouse Neutrophils 7/4 Rat IgG-2a Purified, FITC, R-PE, Biotin
Mouse Anti-Mouse NK Cells PK 136 Mouse IgG-2a Purified, R-PE, Biotin
Mouse Anti-Mouse CD32/16 (Ly-17.1) Fc gamma II/III CT-17.1 Mouse IgM Purified, FITC, R-PE
Mouse Anti-Mouse CD32/16 (Ly-17.2) Fc gamma II/III CT-17.2 Mouse IgM Purified, FITC, R-PE
Mouse Anti-Mouse CD32/16 (Ly-17.1, 17.2) Fc gamma II/III CT-17.1,.2 Mouse IgM Purified
Rat Anti-Mouse CD40 3/23 Rat IgG-2a Prufied, FITC, R-PE, Biotin
Rat Anti-Mouse CD45 YW 62.3 Rat IgG-2b Purified, FITC, TC
Rat Anti-Mouse CD45.1, 45,2 CT45-1-2 Rat IgM Purified, FITC, Biotin
Rat Anti-Mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) M/K-2 Rat IgG-1 Purified, Biotin
Rat Anti-Mouse Cd80(B7-1) RMMP-2 Rat IgG-2 FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse B7-2 RMMp-1 Rat IgG-2a FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse TNGFR-p55 HM104 Rat IgG-2a R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse TNFR-p75 HM102 Rat IgG-2a R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-alpha HM1001 Rat IgG-1 R-PE
Mouse Anti-Human IFN-gamma B27 Mouse IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Human IL-2 MQ1-17H12 Rat IgG-2a Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Human IL-4 MP4-25D2 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Human IL-10 JES3-9D7 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Mouse Anti-Human IL-1 beta MIB3 Mouse IgG1 FITC
Rat Anti-Mouse IFN-gamma XMG1.2 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse IL-2 JES6-5H4 Rat IgG-2b Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse IL-4 BVD-24G2 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse IL-10 JES5-2A5 Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE
Rat Anti-Mouse TNF-alpha MP6-XT22 Rat IgG-1 FITC, R-PE
Sheep Anti-Human KI-67 KI-67 Sheep IgG FITC
CD3/CD19/CD45 S4.1(IgG-2a) CD3 FITC N/A 3 color
SJ25-C1 CD19 R-PE
HI30 (IgG-1) CD45 TC
Immunoglobulin / Specificity FORM
Goat F(ab')2 Mouse IgG-1 Clone MOPC-21 For Use With CD19/kappa & CD19/lambda FITC, R-PE
Mouse IgG-1 APC
Mouse IgG-2a APC
Mouse IgG-2b APC
Rat IgG-1 Purified, FITC, R-PE, Biotin
Rat IgG-2a APC
Hamster IgG APC
Mouse IgM R-PE
Rat IgG-2b APC
Rat IgM Purified
Sheep IgG jFITC

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu EMAIL robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu