Fees for HSS users.

As of January 1, 1998, HSS users will be billed $10.00 per hour for analysis time on the FACScan, FACSCalibur and analysis only experiments on the Vantage. All sorting on the Vantage (regardless of complexity) will be billed at $20.00 per hour. Remote workstation usage, initial instrument training, consulting and access to the Flow Core’s information resources are free for all users. Instrument usage will be tracked using an automated computer program, and charges will be billed against your HSS Cost Center.

Fees for outside users.

We welcome users from outside HSS. As of January 1, 1998, outside users are billed at $30.00 per hour for analysis time on the FACScan, FACSCalibur and analysis only experiments on the Vantage. All sorting experiments on the Vantage (regardless of complexity) are billed at $60.00 per hour. Remote workstation usage, initial instrument training, consulting and access to the Flow Core’s information resources are free for all users. Rates are subject to change. Your laboratory will be billed on a monthly basis for flow cytometer usage. All charges should be paid by check, submitted to:

Please make checks payable to "HSS Flow Cytometry Core Facility". If you have any questions call us at (212) 606-1925 or e-mail us at telfordw@hss.edu.

Short of research funding? We can temporarily "loan" you instrument time if you need preliminary data for a grant. This program is available to both HSS and outside users. Click here to find out more.

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